Monday 3 March 2014

This old house

I felt some frustration on the weekend with my old house.  I was cleaning out the mud room (which still needs drywall and proper flooring) of the accumulation of recycling etc.  After that was done I started in the kitchen and I realized, the kitchen needs a LOT of work.  There is wallpaper on paneling and under the chair rail it's green, and not a pretty green.

The black bedroom needs to be painted - even the ceiling is black, and the wood floors upstairs need to be refinished.  The carpeting needs to be taken off the stairs.  And lastly, my husband has already mudded a wall in the living room - that I actually liked the color of - so that needs to be painted too, along with the window frames in that room.  I've resigned myself to the fact that this house is never going to look like new but I can't wait for it to look like ours.
The one partially finished corners of the house!  Still missing the quarter round from when the floors were done.

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